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about ME

I'm Era Csoergoe, A CFMW, Access Bars and Body Process facilitator, One Brain Kinesiology consultant and a certified Infinite Possibilities and Playing the Matrix trainer.

I travelled a long journey from being the weird kid who would never fit in through being a rebel, a self destructive teenager, a poet, a stage technician, a craft artist, a mandala painter, and a language teacher to arrive here where I am able to offer you change through Kinesiology and the tools of Access Consciousness.

I never believed the "reality" that was sold to me. I always felt that there was another way, a different possibility, a potential. I was lucky that many immensely useful techniques were available to me from an early age, the most notable was Silva method - I needed them to survive.  Kinesiology arrived  in the most self destructive times and pulled me through. I knew then that eventually I would become a consultant to pay it forward. Access fitted seamlessly into my world and brought the questions to my knowing. 

I am inviting you to take a leap of faith - faith in yourself - and embark on a journey to discover that even though it often seems otherwise, you are not as messed up as you think you are. I am inviting you to face those demons, kick them in the face, look that beast inside you in the eye and make it your ally. I am also inviting you to pull your head out of the sand, stop stopping yourself and be the awesome that you truly are. 

If it is time for change, you can book an appointment by calling 07955393841. I am available seven days a week normally between 10 am and 8 pm right on the walking High Road of Beeston (NG9), Nottingham.

You can also drop me an email through the form below, or visit my facebook page,

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© 2016 by Amethystium Studio. 

Kinesiology, Access Consciousness, Access Bars, Access Facelift, Stress Release, Stress management in Beeston, Nottingham

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